Sites basics

Accessia uses real world concepts to represent your building and how hardware is placed

In Accessia;

In the example below,


Setting up a site

  1. Go to Site setup and select New site
    1. Enter a name for your site, for example ‘New York - Avenue of the Americas’
    2. Select the local timezone of the site from the dropdown menu
    3. Enter the longitude and latitude of the site. You can find these using external tools such as

<aside> 💡

Accessia requires longitude and latitude information for location services features to work when users are onsite


  1. Save your site information then click New floor, enter a floor name, and upload a floor plan image
  2. When you’ve added the new floor, click on Installer mode and then Add room
    1. Draw a point on each corner of the room you’re adding and click Save
    2. Give your room a name
    3. Set which zone the room is in
    4. Set the room type and capacity