1. Set up visit types
A visit type is a template for how different types of visitor can access the site, including information included within the invite email, and which rooms they are allowed to access during their visit.
To get started,
- From the sidebar go to Visitors → the site you want to set up visitor management for
- Go the Visit types tab
- Create a visitor type by filling in which rooms or zones can be accessed and any additional information that should be included in the welcome email

At least one visit type needs to be created before users can invite visitors
2. Add a Visitor Kiosk
- Unbox the Visitor Kiosk and connect it to power
- Connect the Kiosk to the internet either using Wi-Fi or wired using a USB-C to Ethernet adapter
- On the Portal, from the sidebar go to Site setup → the site you want to add a Visitor Kiosk to
- Enter Installer mode and drag the Visitor Kiosk to the room where it is placed
- Set a name and which visit type to use when a visitor uses self check-in on the Kiosk
- Click on the newly added Kiosk on the map and select ‘Set up’ from the card
- Show the QR code to the Kiosk